Tag Archives: struggling

day 40.

Today is the first day since starting this project that I’ve really struggled to meet my goal of one act of intentional self-care a day. I don’t really know what it is about today, but I don’t like it. I feel blah, uninspired, tired. After such an epic day of self-care yesterday, you’d think I’d be on a roll. But just not today. I couldn’t even muster a fatshion february post.

If there’s one thing that this project has taught me thus far though, it’s this: don’t be so hard on yourself. Treat yourself with the kindness and care you deserve. Take it easy when you need to and take a break every once in awhile.

That is self-care too, and I need to keep reminding myself of that.

So, tonight, I’m doing just that. Letting myself feel what it is I need to feel about today, taking it easy, drinking some stress less tea, spending a few minutes drawing, and going to bed early.

and today, that’s enough.

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