day 6.

self-care goal: craft

self-care goal: spend time with friends (especially those you haven’t hung out with in awhile)

self-care goal: spend time with someone under the age of 5

today i crafted with my friend C. for a few hours. we drank tea and ate delicious snacks and had lovely conversation. i think the last time we hung out one-on-one was early in the summer, and i’m so glad we were able to work in this hangout. i’ve been on break from work for a couple of weeks and i’m about to head back, so i feel like i’ve been trying to fit in as much friend time as possible (i also had a lovely tea and craft date two days ago with another amazing friend of mine that i never got to writing about). C’s two-year-old son woke up from his nap and joined our crafting circle, although he wasn’t super engaged with his crayons. he was really into the corn cakes and hummus, however. the kiddo showed me his new room and his recycling truck and talked up a storm about everything and anything. it was so awesome spending time with him and his mama.

i almost forget sometimes how amazing very young people are. how everything is new. each moment a discovery. how they have a million questions about their world. all those synapses firing and connections being made. spending time with them today reminded me how much i love being around children. how much joy and wonder i get out of those interactions. how it brings me back to those parts of myself. thank you for today.

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